
Friday, October 05, 2012

My Dragon Boat Race training exercise

Dragon Boat Race is one of the events that will be included in the annual AFP-PNP Olympics. According to the agreed rules, the boat crew must be officer-led, making me decide to join the boys in this muscle-aching but exciting game.
Like the Scout Rangers, a Dragon Boat athlete must have three basic requirements: Skill, Stamina, Spirit.
Skill is about techniques on how to paddle with precision and power. Your physical strength is easily drained if you don't know the specific paddling techniques that must be applied.
Dragon boat races sometimes require athletes to undergo eliminations called 'heat'. To win a gold medal, you race with other competing teams about 3-4 times.

When everything else is equal, what separates the boys from gentlemen is their spirit.
After paddling for about 6 kilometers, I almost said 'Game over!'. I was very tired and my hands became numb. But, I was ashamed to be  called a quitter.
I decided to paddle up to the finish line and be proud for my personal feat. For me, that is still applying the basic principle: Lead by good example!
While in the boat, I am not the leader but one of the paddlers. My mentors and motivators are the outstanding soldier-athletes.
Dragon Boat racing is the real Team Effort sport. Every paddler must row together and in unison towards the same direction.

It means I must not be a 'passenger' that will just add to the load. I must be part of the machine that must contribute more power to propel the  boat forward.
For that reason, I must continuously train with the team because we all desire to win.
We are continuously training because the Army Dragon Boat team wants to pursue excellence all the time. The indomitable spirit shown by the Army soldiers have made them different from the others.

Seven of them are members of the world champion Pinoy Dragon Warriors, raising the national colors in the international scene.

They compete to win. Mind over body.
For the flag and country!

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