
Thursday, May 30, 2013

The history of AFP Peacekeeping Operations: Q & A

Brief background

1. When did it start? Who were the pioneers?

Despite the fresh scourge of war that brought untold sorrow to mankind, the world saw inter-state armed conflicts in the post WWII that extends up to the end of the Cold War. From Southeast Asia, Africa and the Middle East, the Philippines as active member of the UN, has done its role in containing hostilities and helping settle disputes in a bid to maintain international peace and security. 

      In keeping with its obligation to the UN, the Philippines had responded to its call for multi-national operations to resolve conflicts in Korea from 1950 to 1953 through the Expeditionary Force to Korea (PEFTOK); in Congo in 1963 through the Philippine Air Force Contingent to Congo (PAFCON); in Iraq from 1991 to 1992 through the Philippine United Nations Guard Contingent to Iraq (PUNGCI), and in Cambodia in 1992 to 1993 through the RP Contingent to United Nations Transnational Authority in Cambodia (RP-UNTAC). 

     In addition, the Philippines also extended assistance even in non-UN sanctioned operations by sending the Philippine Medical Mercy Mission to Indonesia in 1963 and the sending civic action contingents to Vietnam from 1996 to 1969 through the Philippine Civic Action to Vietnam (PHILCAGV). Whether under the auspices of the UN or not, the Philippine commitment to world peace and freedom was adequately manifested in its participation in these international efforts. 

2. What is the lineage of AFP International peacekeeping mission?

  • UNOC (Congo) 1963 – 63 PAF pers 
  • UNTAC (Cambodia) 04 Apr ’92 – 93 AFP pers 
  • UNTAET (Timor Leste) AFP/PNP – Sep ’99 – Dec 12
  • UNOB –  (Burundi) Jul 04 to Jul 06
  • UNOCI – (Ivory Coast)  Jan 04 to present 
  • UNMOGIP -  (India Pakistan) Aug 09 to present
  • UNMIS – (Sudan) Nov 05 to Oct 11
  • UNMISS – (South Sudan) June 12 to Sep 12
  • UNSMIS – (Syria) May to Aug 12
  • UNISFA – (Abyie) April 12 to present
  • UNMIL (Liberia) 01 Nov 03 to present 
  • MINUSTAH (Haiti) AFP – June 2004 to present 
  • UNDOF (Golan Heights) – 09 October 2009 to present  

3. Do we have Filipino Peacekeepers who excelled in the UN?

              The following are the distinguished officers who were entrusted with positions of major responsibility while in the United Nations:

                  a. LTGEN JAIME S DELOS SANTOS AFP – (UNTAET) Force Comdr


c. MGEN RODOLFO A TOR –  (UNMIT) Police Commissioner

4. What are the present Landscape of the AFP Peacekeeping Operations?

      The shift in the security environment from inter-state to intra-state armed conflict brought about a significant UN invitation for AFP participation in peacekeeping operations.  

To underscore AFP deployment in the contemporary time is the robust invitation for individual deployments such as military observers and PKF Staffs in various mission areas.

The significance and basis of AFP's Peacekeeping Operations 

1. What are the Legal basis of the Philippine Peacekeeping Operations? 

EXECUTIVE ORDER 97 dated Nov 2012 - Policy Framework and Guidelines for Philippine participation in UN Peace Operations. Para 1, provides, The Republic of the Philippines, as a founding member of the United nations is committed to global peace and is honoring its obligation under the Charter, reaffirms its commitment to participate in initiatives under the aegis of the UN. Our country also recognizes that peace operations remain as key and indispensable instrument for the maintenance of international peace and security
2. Are we duty bound to send soldiers to UN?

As one of the original UN Member States, the Republic of the Philippines has been committed to Global Peace and recognizes the UN Security Council to have responsibility under the UN Charter in maintaining International Peace and Security, hence, our country has been involved in Peace Support Operations by sending troops and equipment for UN peacekeeping missions.  

3. What is its significance for the Country? What are the benefits we received out of it?

- It is an international commitment
- Philippine commitment to world peace and freedom was adequately manifested in its participation in these international efforts
- Financial gain thru COE reimbursement
- Opportunity to work with other nations 

The Peacekeeping Operations Center of the AFP

1. What is the mission of this unit?

- To prepare and provide administrative control to AFP units and personnel performing peacekeeping operations and other related functions. 

2. How many contingents PKOC was able to send to different mission areas?

At present there are 604 AFP personnel deployed in three UN Mission areas as follows: UNDOF, UNMIL and MINUSTAH.

3. What is the method of training PKOC conduct for future Peacekeepers?

  • PKO Training
  • UN Core Pre-deployment training

4. What are the other programs of PKOC?

PSO Roadmap, Participate Multinational PKO exercises and Conference

5. Do we have a Roadmap for our Peacekeeping Operations? 

It has three main development goals, as follows: 

a. Enhance AFP capabilities for PSO mission deployment;
b. Expand commitment as UN Standby Arrangement System (UNSAS) member; and 
c. Institutionalize and sustain AFP’s capability to deploy a brigade-size contingent.

6. Which Mission Areas PKOC regularly send peacekeeping contingents? 

- UN MISSION IN LIBERIA (UNMIL)  -  230 AFP Personnel in every year
- UN MISSION IN HAITI (MINUSTAH) – 314 AFP Personnel in every year
- UN MISSION IN GOLAN HEIGHTS (UNDOF) – 664 AFP Personnel in every year

(Published by the Office of Public Affairs, DND)


  1. good day anu po requirements po para maging part ng un peacekeeping team ng pilipinas po.salamat po
