
Monday, April 15, 2013

PNPA screens new cadet applicants

After undergoing a series of activities that tested both the brawns and wit of several young men and women, the Philippine National Police Academy (PNPA) has come up with a short list of those who will make it to the next round of the current selection process for PNPA Class 2017.

The PNPA has already posted the official list of qualified applicants to undergo the said phase of the screening process on its website

Those included in the list will undergo physical, medical, and dental examination to see if they are perfectly fit to take on the challenging training that awaits them.

The said PNPA Class 2017 applicants who are qualified for the third phase of screening are advised to secure the requirements mentioned on the said website and are also advised to abide by the prescribed dress code.

Those who will make it will undergo a final interview wherein they will be given a chance to prove themselves worthy of being selected among the numerous applicants who desire to belong in the PNPA Class 2017.

Note: Official Press Release from PIO, PNP

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