
Monday, February 18, 2013

PMA Alumni Homecoming 2013

Every year, PMA graduates flock to Baguio City to attend the Alumni Homecoming activities. I was among those who were able to visit our beloved institution. This is our photo outside the Melchor Hall, the main building that houses the academic facilities of the PMA. I attended classes here from 1990-1994.

There are countless tarpaulins that greet visitors and PMA alumni alike. Some of these can be found in strategic areas starting at NLEX. Our tarpaulin is unique being the 'Pinakamabangis'. Ask the members of our class why.

This is our designated registration area inside the Melchor Hall. We are normally required to write  down our names, contact details, and our Company during our cadet days.

I joined my mistahs in a photo ops in front of the Sundial. This is one of the attractions inside the PMA. "What time is it, Mister?"

Prior to the ceremony, we always find time to reminisce some good memories with our classmates (mistahs), upperclassmen and underclassmen whom we spent time together in this hallowed ground called the Borromeo field.

There are thousands of visitors who usually come to watch the homecoming activities and parade. The members of the host classes and their spouses are normally seated in the grandstand. This year's hosts include the classes of 1983, 1988, 1993, 1998.

The colors are positioned in front of the Brigade Staff prior to the start of the ceremony.

The youngest alumnus is a member of the PMA Class 2012. He occupies a special place beside the VIPs and found himself rubbing elbows with the likes of DND Secretary Voltaire Gazmin. 

The oldest PMA alumnus is seated among the VIPs. 

The 2013 awardees are recognized by the officers of the PMA Alumni Association Incorporated.

 The Diamond Jubilarians (PMA Class 1953), Golden Jubilarians (PMA Classs 1963) and Silver Jubilarians (PMA Class 1988) are awarded medals. As part of the tradition, the spouses or nearest kin are involved in this ceremony.

While VP Binay was given a memento after delivering his speech, we eagerly waited for the much awaited moment to march in the Borromeo Field.

The most awaited part is the privilege to march in front of the Cadet Corps Armed Forces of the Philippines. This is is our chance to see our underclassmen in formation up close and personal.

 This is the short video clip of the ceremony

The singing of the Alma Mater Song is a solemn part of the ceremony that marks the end of all activities in the Borromeo field.

I showed my son the high standards of discipline observed by the cadets as shown during the parade.

Class Picnic culminates the day. It is the opportunity for 'mistahs' to interact with their respective family members and hatch new plans for the next homecoming in 2014.

PMA tourist attractions

***Photos by Cpl Marlon B San Esteban

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